Frequently Asked Questions
Laser Hair Removal
How should I prepare for laser hair removal?
People who previously depilaty places that are to undergo laser hair removal by any means pulling out the hair (wax, electric hair remover, tweezers) should wait 6 weeks after the last of the mechanical hair removal to normalize the hair growth cycle. To perform the procedure required by the Italian had a length of min. 3 mm. Not have undergone the laser hair removal treatment with a fresh tan (2-3 days). It is good to do a mild peeling in a place that is to be subjected to laser hair removal.
How long does one treatment Laser hair removal IPL?
Depending on the size and density of the surface depilaty hair, treatment time may be different for the same parts of the body. For example, laser hair removal upper lip takes up to 30 minutes, bikini or underarm 45-60 minutes, thighs about 3 hours, and whole legs up 6-7 hours (in this case, we suggest dividing the operation into two, preferably consecutive days).
How long is a depilation method IPL?
Depending on the size and density of the surface depilowanej hair, treatment time may be different for the same parts of the body. For example, the upper lip hair removal takes about 5 minutes, bikini or underarm 30 minutes, manage about 40 minutes, and the whole leg about 60 minutes.
Is your hair will never grow back?
Hair removed by laser IPL does not grow back ever since the connection is destroyed the hair follicle with him hair nourishing blood vessel. The hair follicle without supplied by the blood of food materials is dying. Not arise at this point a new bulb (how can this be the case for removing only hair removal method onions, plucking, some of the other lasers, etc.), since they are not in this place provides no nutritional products or building blocks.
When is best to use laser hair removal?
Treatment is best to start after the summer - autumn, when not in use now with sun and do not issue depilowanych body to sunlight, and so we can finish the whole series of treatments before the advent of spring.
What is the treatment trial?
Test procedure is performed for free. It consists in carrying out laser hair removal on the surface about 10 cm 2 and is intended to show the advantages of depilatory laserm IPL: total painless, safe and no side effects in the form of discoloration, or even burning that occurs in other types of lasers.
How is firing the laser hair removal treatments?
Not have undergone the laser hair removal treatment with a fresh tan (2-3 days). You should not sunbathe sites treated with laser IPL irradiation for 5 weeks after the last treatment, it may cause discoloration of the skin. Therefore, that treatment should be performed every 4-6 weeks for the duration of treatment and 5 weeks after the last treatment you can not sunbathe depilaty places. Barrier creams with high protection factor, protect against normal everyday sunlight and can be insufficient in the case depilty exposing the surface to the sun.
What are the contraindications?
Contraindications : pregnancy, fresh wounds and skin diseases at the proposed treatment, a serious disease of the immune system and blood, the use of photosensitizing drugs (eg, St. Johns wort).
How many times you repeat the procedure?
The average number of treatments needed to get rid of the hair is about 5.6, however, sometimes do, and 8 treatments or only third It depends on many factors such as: body position, type and hair color, existing methods of hair removal and intra-individual characteristics of each individual human being. Treatments should be performed at intervals of 5 weeks.
Is the procedure used an anesthetic?
While laser hair removal treatments Laser IPL are not used any painkillers, because the treatments are painless absolutey.