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AW Beautician - Facial Treatments



                                               The revolutionary medical no-peel peel


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The revolutionary medical no-peel peel

Imagine a medical TCA peel that doesn’t cause any damage to the outer surface of the skin but penetrates almost instantly to the deeper layers  of the epidermis down to the basal layer where it can stimulate, renew and regenerate. Well, the solution has now arrived in the PRX-T33 medical peel. Made possible by the addition of hydrogen peroxide which modifies the skin barrier and promotes penetration without causing any harm or pain and producing an immediate and evident firming of the skin. Ideal to reduce fine lines, crepe skin, rehydrate and thicken the dermis. The addition of Kojic Acid to the formula also helps to deal with pigmentation issues.


Procedure :Time30 mins        PainMild: Discomfort            Anaesthetic :None            Full Recovery :48 hours     Results :DurationPermanent

Risks:Prolonged redness, warmth, peeling, irritation or burning sensations. Rarely, pigmentation problems may occur.


PRX-T33 is a medical grade peel  and containing 33% TCA but without the normal downtime and peeling associated with this strength of TCA owing to the addition of hydrogen peroxide which allows the TCA to penetrate to the deeper layers without causing injury to the surface of the skin. During the treatment, layers of peel are applied leading to an instant firming effect.

Aesthetic medicine uses many different methods to rejuvenate the skin. The most common treatments are chemical peels, laser, micro abrasion and microneedling.
Many of these create unwanted side effects, for example chemical peels can leave the skin red with burning sensation and micro needling can be uncomfortable and not ideal for people who are needle phobic.

There is now a new method available : PRX -T33. This is unique in that it works like a peel but does not create the side effects. It contains TCA (trichloroacetic acid), kojic acid and hydrogen peroxide which work synergistically to stimulate fibroblast which produces the collagen to enhance the skin. The treatment works without causing any significant side effects . TCA is used often as a peeling agent but in this formulation fused together with hydrogen peroxide loses its aggressive effect ( frosting and peeling of the epidermis).

To summarise the advantages of the PRX-T33 revitalisation treatment:

  • Not invasive
  • No ablative
  • No needles involved
  • Not painful
  • Simple and short procedure
  • Short convalescence
  • Not photosensitising
  • Suitable for all skin types

(Visible results almost immediately , no bruising!)

The PRX-T33 is likely to be of benefit if you have:

  • loss of skin tension on the face, neck, decollate and body
  • sagging skin
  • small wrinkles,lines
  • small,fresh acne scars
  • new stretch marks
  • melasma and hyperpiguentaion conditions

What areas can be treated?

The most commonly treated area is the face for loss of firmness, hypotonic skin, melasma and other pigmentation problems, scarring, acne and general rejuvenation. However it can also be used to improve the appearance of stretch marks and scars, firm the skin of the neck and décolletage and help improve ageing of the hands by dealing with pigmentation and skin thinning.

How does the treatment work?

PRX-T33 has a unique combination of three important ingredients to have the best clinical effect without any downtime.

Tricloroacetic acid (TCA) (33%): TCA has been used in chemical peels for many years and does achieve great benefits for the skin although its use is limited due to the amount of damage it can cause to the surface of the skin. TCA stimulates the growth of new skin cells, has an anti-inflammatory action, helps to clean the pores, destroys bacteria associated with acne and increases the collagen and elasticity of the skin.

Hydrogen peroxide (3%): H2O2 is known for its strong antiseptic properties but when applied to the skin, also releases a huge amount of oxygen which nourishes the skin and makes it more receptive to other agents. Scientific studies have shown that it promotes the healing of wounds, helps remodel the skin’s extracellular matrix and reduces inflammation. When combined with TCA, it enhances penetration and efficacy.

Kojic Acid (5%): This has been used in many products and peels to deal with pigmentation problems for lightening and brightening. It is a potent suppressor of melanin production.

Is it safe and does it hurt?

PRX-T33 was developed with safety in mind, containing proven and safe ingredients that have a wealth of evidence for their use. It is suitable for all ages, skin types and skin colours.

There are no needles and the procedure is non-invasive. It may create a mild stinging or burning sensation but no pain, no downtime and no peeling. It is non-photosensitsing so can be performed any time of the year.

You may not be suitable for treatment if you have any of the following:

  • Pregnancy/Breastfeeding
  • Infection/inflammation at the injection site including herpetic outbreaks
  • An impaired immune system or undergoing treatment for cancer
  • Allergy to any of the ingredients of the peel
  • Sensitive/irritable skin
  • skin inflammation,irritation and infection
  • Allergy to any of the ingredients (kojic acid, H2O2, TCA)
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Cold sore infection (HSV)
  • Use of retinoids in last 6 months
  • Autoimmune disease

Aftercare products are required following the treatment and these will be discussed with you at your free consultation.

Complications that may occur include:

  • Prolonged peeling in areas with a very thick corneal layer which can last a few days.
  • Prolonged redness, particularly on delicate skin.
  • Intense burning sensation on application of the peel can occur on sensitive skin.
  • Delayed redness, either widespread or in patches.
  • Dark patches appearing within a few days, often due to drying of thicker layers of skin and settles within a few days.
  • Allergy to any of the ingredients of the treatment.

Are there any side effects?

Due to the revolutionary formula of PRX-T33, side-effects are minimal. The skin may feel slightly warm and inflamed after treatment and there may be a mild redness. Peeling of the skin is very rare, but may occur in sensitive areas or where the skin is very thick and may last 2-3 days. The nourishing and moisturising cream should be liberally applied if this occurs. Swelling can occur particularly in sensitive areas such as under the eyes but this settles within a few days.

There may be a few applications of the peel during a single treatment until the results are obtained, although if it becomes uncomfortable, no more peel applications will be made.

Using the correct aftercare as advised by your practitioner will lessen the risk of adverse events as well as improve the healing process.

Pre-treatment instructions

PRX-T33 is a medical procedure to help improve the hydration, texture and pigmentation of the skin.

It is advised to avoid any exfoliating products (such as glycolic, lactic, salicylic acids) and retinol (Vitamin A) products on your skin for one week prior to treatment and until healing is complete. Similarly, avoid shaving or waxing the area for a few days prior to treatment. The procedure should not be performed alongside any other exfoliating treatments including other skin peels or microdermabrasion without the agreement of your treating practitioner. The treatment should not be performed on irritated or sunburnt skin and it is recommended to avoid tanning and sunbeds for at least 2 weeks.

If you have previously suffered with cold-sores, you must disclose this to the practitioner prior to treatment as you may require medication to prevent an outbreak.

If you have had any recent beauty or aesthetic treatments, this should be discussed with your practitioner to ensure that it is safe to proceed with the procedure.

A medical history form must be completed prior to any treatment.

If you are feeling unwell on the day of treatment, please contact the clinic to re-arrange your appointment.

Aftercare advice

Following treatment, there may be some transient heat, redness, swelling, tenderness. The treated area may peel which may last for up to seven days. It is essential to use the correct aftercare products as prescribed by the practitioner to aid any the effects of the procedure. Although the peel is non-photosensitising, it is recommended to use a high SPF sun protectant during the healing process.

Dos and Don’ts

  • Avoid applying make-up to the treated area for 24 hours
  • Avoid other cosmetic, beauty or dental treatments for at least a week
  • Use a high SPF sun-protection after treatment
  • Avoid extremes of hot or cold which may induce sweating
  • Use the prescribed aftercare products as directed
  • Contact the clinic as soon as possible if you have any concerns

Treatment Program
Following an initial consultation to determine the number of required sessions, the programme would be 3 sessions for normal skin and 6 sessions for skin subjected to sun damage,volume loss, wrinkle,lines.Treatments are generally weekly and once the programme is complete results will last for up to a year.

Treatment Procedure
The procedure is simple and non invasive. At each session PRX-T33 is rubbed into the skin very vigorously to resemble a facial massage.It is then washed off with cold water . Specially formulated moisturisers are applied after each session and (self administered) for the duration of the programme.


Bright, Tight Skin – the no peel peel! No pain, no downtime- the celebrity peel!
PRX –T33 – secret of the stars. Hugely popular in London, this peel is a NO PEEL peel. They are sold as courses of three – five, once a week or individually.

A course of 3 – 5 peels gives best results
* No pain
* No peel
* No downtime*
* Instant results
* Tighter, younger looking radiant skin
PRX –T33 is based on TCA (trichloroacetic acid), which penetrates the deeper layers of the skin, without damaging the outer surface.
You get all the benefits of the TCA without any outward signs. TCA then stimulates the skin to produce elastin and collagen, the two factors which cause ageing as we slowly reduce our ability to make fresh collagen and elastin.
What are the active ingredients in the PRX-T33 peel?
With PRX-T33, a combination of TCA and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) quickly penetrates the dermis (one of the skin’s layers), activating a process of regeneration without attacking the epidermis (the outer layer of skin). The PRX-T33 solution contains 33% TCA and 67% hydrogen peroxide.
A course of these peels is incredibly effective. PRX-T33 promotes stimulation of fibroblasts and growth factors without causing inflammation or damaging the skin. The treatment can be performed at any time of year, unlike peeling, because it is not photosensitising, and it is suitable for all skin types.
Why have the PRX-T33 peel course?
* Immediate results
* No down-time
* No pain
* It combats lines and lax skin without damaging it
* It is great even in the summer, as your skin will not be photosensitive
* It is great on stretch marks as it rebuilds from underneath
* It can reduce scars from acne
* It can reduce pigmentation (melisma)
What is the procedure for the facial peel?
* The skin is prepared with mild cleanser, rinsed and dried thoroughly.
* 2 ml of the facial peeling solution is applied per area, by manual deep facial massage.
* This is repeated 2-5 times.
* They then massage the product firmly until it is absorbed and a palpable or visible elasticity is observed.
* Rinse with water.
* Moisturiser can be applied.



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